Abdominal muscles are responsible for holding our organs and for supporting the spine. They help in balancing our body posture and also regulate abdominal pressure . It is very easy to train abs as you don't need any equipment for your workout but it take a lot of hardwork and dedication to get visible abs. Consistency is the key .
Two things are important to get visible abs :
- Proper diet.
- Regular exercise.
Here we are going to know about workout plans targeting abdominal muscle.
Workout plan : Beginner level
- Warm up : Rope skipping or jumping jacks for 10-15 minutes.
- Russian twist : 2 sets of 20 twists.
- Plank position : Try to hold this position as long as you can , record the time and do better next time.
Take 40 second rest between sets.
Workout plan : Intermediate level
- Warm up : Rope skipping or jumping jacks for 10-15 minutes.
- Sit-ups : 2 sets of 12 reps.
- Leg raises : 2 sets of 15 reps.
- Russian twists : 2 sets of 30 twists.
- Plank position : Hold as long as you can , note the time and do better next time.
Take 40 second rest between sets.
Workout plan : Advanced level
- Warm up : skipping or jumping jacks for 10-15 minutes.
- Sit ups : 3 sets of 12 reps.
- Leg raises : 3 sets of 12 reps.
- Russian twist : 2 sets of 40 twist.
- Plank position : Hold as long as you can , record the time and try better next time.
Take 30 second rest between sets.
Breath properly to avoid abdominal pain. Inhale when muscles contract and exhale when relax.
Try to complete full workout with good posture and form.Don't speed up reps, do slowly and with good contraction.